I got a lovely surprise today that I want to share with you. It even came with beautiful green tissue paper.
Last week I got a slip in the mailbox that I had a package. I didn't get a chance to get it until today at lunch. When I picked up the box it was light, and I thought, "oh... I bet it's a Christmas ornament."
I recognized the name on the return address as a blog reader - Deb from Topeka. We have met a couple of times at events and she's wonderful in person. She has done other fun, surprising things for me, so I knew the package would be delightful, but I was not at all expecting what I found.
Inside was this ornament Deb had made and a lovely, lovely note. She had been behind on blog reading due to computer issues and when she recently had a chance to catch up was surprised to read about the recent surgery. She said it occurred to her that not being able to put up my usual tree might result in some "holiday dreariness" for me so she was inspired to make me "a surprise that might hold some delight and share back some of the joy your tree has given to me these years."
Is that not the nicest thing?
She decked out the tree, added some stars and packages (two of my favorite things!), and painted the inside to mimic the glow of lights the tree gives off. She even added a fabric scrap underneath it that picks up the idea of wood floors.
I am so touched by Deb's thoughtfulness and her nice note. I took it into the restaurant today with lunch for Greg, and he loved it.
I love things people make. It's so special when someone gives of themselves that way. Deb put so much work into the detail on this. I'm so incredibly flattered by Deb's gift. It already has a place of honor on the tree. Thank you, Deb.
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