Today was the Houston Whiteside Christmas Homes Tour. And, we got a little snow to set the mood. Truthfully, it was more like sleet, but I'm choosing to call it snow because that is much more atmospheric sounding.
One of the houses had live music from a high school group.
My favorite house had a room decorated with old Santas. I chatted with the guy who owned them for awhile, thinking I should know him. Finally, we figured out where we knew each other from. He was not the home owner, but helped them decorate the "Santa Room."
I loved this Gale Santa, sitting on the bed.
And this one that still works.
He plugged it in so I could get a little video of him moving.
There were others from his collection around the room.
In another house they were using their collections on trees - one was spoons and another was old hankies.
I love seeing these beautiful old homes, but I always want more Christmas decorations. Of course, that's always a given for me at any time. This was the best year as far as decorations. The Santa collection really made the day for me.
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