This is what a very happy girl looks like. Why was I so happy? Well, many reasons, not the least of which I was eating dinner next to The Jolly Old Elf himself.
Okay, it was only a likeness of him. But it's a vintage Christmas decoration and that's more than cool enough for me. Look at those rosy cheeks, that droll little mouth and his twinkling eyes.
This was the cap to our Christmasy evening. Greg and I went to the luminaria display in Hyde Park earlier in the evening.
This neighborhood, with many beautiful old homes, does this every year the Saturday before Christmas. I love it when it falls like this, with some days between that Saturday and Christmas.
Many people also do lots of other decorating, which is great.
A couple of my favorite displays were on roofs and balconies.
It was a great Christmasy evening. We had cider and cookies, visited with the real Santa, ran into friends, listened to live music, and then capped it off with a great dinner. Wonderful Saturday evening!
Thanks to Greg for most of the photos. He appropriated my camera almost immediately so other than a couple of brief times, it was not in my possession. But, of course, he takes better photos than I do anyway. And, he's willing to get out in the cold more often than I am. Probably for the best that he had the camera. You might check out for more of his great photos.
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