Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Questions to Ask Grown Ups

Barbara sent this to me and I thought it worthy of sharing here. It's a list of questions to help kids talk to grown ups. I hunted around online to find the person to credit it to, but was unsuccessful. If this is your list, please let me know and I'll give you credit. Very insightful.

I was thinking about how I would answer some of these myself, and also how interesting it would be to hear the answers from some of my long gone relatives.

1. Tell me what you believe to be the greatest invention so far in your lifetime.

 2. Tell me what scared you when you were little.

 3. Tell me the best way to spend Sundays

 4. Tell me about someone you always had fun with.

 5. Tell me the wish you have for your children

 6. Tell me about something you broke.

 7. Tell me a vivid memory you have of a sister or brother or best friend.

 8. Tell me about your favorite book or author.

 9. Tell me one place you would still like to visit.

 10. Tell me one day you wish you could do over.

 11. Tell me the best way to determine a person's charactar.

 12. Tell me what your parents did for a living

 13. Tell me what you wish someone would invent and why.

 14. Tell me something you wished you had learned earlier in life.

 15. Tell me what it is like to be married.

 16. Tell me a secret of lasting love.

 17. Tell me a tragedy you have known and survived.

 18. Tell me one possession you always dreamed of having.

 19. Tell me if you could have one luxury every single week for the rest of your life, what would it be?

 20. Tell me a story about your mom.

 21. Tell me something you got away with when you were little.

 22. Tell me what makes you feel special when you wear it.

 23. Tell me someone who helped make your life better.

 24. Tell me the most memorable school day you can recall

 25. Tell me about your favorite relative growing up

 26. Tell me what, if anything, you would trade all your possessions for.

 27. Tell me one famous and one not famous person that you would like to change places with for a day or two.

 28. Tell me about a moment of certainty in your life.

 29. Tell me someone who inspired you while you were growing up.

 30. Tell me about the teacher that made the biggest difference in your life.

 31. Tell me about the nicest things people ever did for you

 32. Tell me a dream you remember.

 33. Tell me a story about when you were a teenager.

 34. Tell me if the weather ever scared you.

 35. Tell me about your very first best friend.

 36. Tell me about God

 37. Tell me about your first job.

 38. Tell me bout the first house you remember living in.

 39. Tell me about the town or towns you lived in growing up.

 40. Tell me about your rings.

 41. Tell me what things were like for your parents.

 42. Tell me about your first love.

 43. Tell me how to stay strong when the going gets tough.

 44. Tell me about your first car

 45. Tell me the first time you felt grown up.

 46. Tell me a story about a pet you had.

 47. Tell me about a hero in your family.

 48. Tell me about someone you love with all your heart.

 49. Tell m e how you felt the day I was born

 50. Tell me about your favorite toy when you were little.

 51. Tell me someone who you felt always had your best interest in mind.

 52. Tell me one of your first happy memories.

 53. tell me one thing you like to do that makes you feel comforted.

 54. Tell me what you loved to do when you were little.

 55. Tell me about a poem, song, or letter that you wrote.

 56. Tell me a regret that you have.

 57. Tell me a wish you have for your country.

 58. Tell me about a moment you thought was magnificent.

 59. Tell me one rule you think is silly.

 60. Tell me about your absolute favorite childhood possession.

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1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you liked this as much as I did. I loved the idea my cousin had to post this in every nursing home. It can be hard to find topics to keep a conversation going sometimes. Thanks for posting it here...maybe others will use it as well.
