Sunday, February 15, 2009

A day with friends at Quivira

Greg, Mia and I drove down to Quivira National Wildlife Refuge this afternoon. It was a gorgeous day - sunny, although the wind was chilly - and we were there until sunset.

Quivira has a huge bird population passing through at any given time, and they were swarming at sunset. I took a ton of photos and will be sharing more, but love this one of the three birds silhouetted in the marsh grass, while the sky is speckled with hundreds of others.

This is the longest amount of time I've spent in a car since surgery and I had no problems, I'm happy to say. Greg drove all the way so all I had to do was take photos.

After Quivira we went to Wichita for dinner together before Mia headed on to Joplin. I'm feeling much perkier the last couple of days. About a week ago I had a couple of days of just needing to sleep almost all day and night. Then I seemed to take a leap in healing and just feel much more normal since then.
Check for the blog, art, and more. Friend me on Follow me at All text and photos on this website are copyright Patsy Terrell, unless otherwise noted. None are to be used without permission. Thank you.


  1. Patsy, I love the picture! Would you mind if I copy/paste it to a greeting card, if I give credit to you on the back of the card? It is beautiful.

    It is wonderful that you feel well enough to get out and enjoy time with friends again.


  2. Marie... If it's a card for your own use, that's fine, but not for something for sale. Thanks for asking.

    It is great to be feeling good enough to do at least some normal things again! :)
