Saturday, February 21, 2009


This is Greg's mom's kitty, affectionately known as Weaselhead, asleep on my lap in the morning light. She was tuckered out from kitty play. It's hard work amusing a whole group of adults.

We're enjoying a relaxing weekend full of kitty play and Miss Joy visiting. I needed to be away for a little bit. It feels amazingly good to sleep in a real bed, which I haven't done since Jan. 26. Only hospital beds for me since then at Via Christi and then at home.

The surgeon told me Thursday that I can do steps as long as I do them one at a time, so I'll get to start sleeping in my own bed upstairs soon. I just don't want to do anything to prolong my healing time. He said six weeks - not a minute sooner - for full healing. But the motion he said he wanted me to avoid was side to side. And he admonished me to remember, "It's only been three weeks." It will be four on Tuesday, so I'm getting closer to the magic six week mark.

While here I've been reading "The Geography of Bliss" that Trish gave me before surgery. I had taken it to the hospital but couldn't focus much there so I read the first of the Twilight series then. This is a great book. He travels to various places around the world, seeking information about where the people are happiest. It's incredibly well written. The first page hooks you immediately.

Well, I'm off for more kitty play and other important activities. Aren't Saturdays wonderful?

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