I put out a few tomato plants, some herbs - basil, oregano, rosemary, thyme, lavendar and parsley, and one cucumber plant. The cucumber plant has grown huge. It has tons of blooms, but no beginnings of cucumbers yet.
I put them into the backyard, beside an old lawn glider that I got from some folks in Kentucky. I love it but haven't decided how to make it function yet. I think it involves some plywood and cushions but I'm not sure. However, at the moment, it's in use by the cucumber plant and I've decided it looks cool so I'm leaving it.
It was a really nice day here today - only in the mid 80s - very unusual for Kansas in July. I took advantage of it to fertilize the lawn. You're not supposed to do it when it's too warm. Well, that's almost impossible here after a certain time. It's been on my list of things to do for awhile so I was happy to get it done.
I have more plants popping up that I put the bulbs in for in the last few weeks. We'll see how this all works long term. I think some of these need to be dug up at the end of the season. I'll have to do a little research on that.
I got to have lunch with Trish today, so that was fun. It's always so good to see her. She is one of my favorite people on the planet - I can't ever get enough of her.
I finally went to bed at 7 this morning and got up about three hours later. I tried to take a nap this afternoon and did lay down between 5 and 6:30 but never really fully got to sleep. Although I'm not feeling sleepy now, hopefully if I go lay down I will sleep.
But, I've gotten tons of things done in the last 24 hours. And I do love to get things done. I have a pile of things to go to Salvation Army, I've worked on webpages - personal and work, and I've done some writing that I need to get out the door. I have also worked on the house. I'm starting to see a tiny glimmer of "my life" but it's going to take awhile yet.
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