Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Journals I Covet

There are some things I covet, and journals are one of them - these journals. I'm very particular about journals - the kind of paper, the texture, the size, lack of lines, etc. etc. etc. Like I said, I'm particular.

Diana just got in these really cool journals made from recycled saris on the covers. I swear, The Dancing Grouse is like drugs to an addict sometimes.

I so desperately want to own about a dozen of these journals. But, that would be excessive. And foolish. And unnecessary. And I already have journals that are waiting to be used. But I like these oh so very much - they are in pretty colors and the paper feels so nice.

I had a small leather one like this for awhile that was my journal for my purse. It's full now, but I did like it. At the moment I'm using a little journal I got at Target in the $1 section and I love it except it has lines. I can't really journal on lined paper - it's confining - but I use it for notes.

Pretty journals... something I covet...

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