Heat Wave
At almost 9 p.m. and it's still 99 degrees. I am a heat wimp. I'm waiting for it to cool off so I can go to the grocery store. It got up to 108 today. It's supposed to be 110 tomorrow and unfortunately I've got some running around to do so I won't be able to avoid it.
I have spent today working on the newsletter, comfy with the climate control. Tonight was dinner with Susan and Teresa so I did go out for that.
People always talk about how it's so much less expensive to eat at home, but I'm not sure that's true for me. I guess if you're eating hamburgers, maybe, but when I am preparing food at home, it's going to be good stuff. I've also been making lots of smoothies with fruit, yoghurt and soy milk. When I was at the artist's retreat in May they turned me on to soy milk and I love it - it lasts a really long time, unlike regular milk that seems to spoil the second it's opened. I'm not a milk person, anyway, but I like to have it for cereal or baking or whatever. I much prefer the taste of soy milk to cow's milk.
I just realized today that Thursday night is Creative Sisterhood. I have some things I want to get done before then. My cleaning binge has resulted in my house being torn apart. But the parts that are clean are really clean. I even moved the fridge out yesterday and cleaned all around and under it. That will give me a goal to at least have the dining room table cleared off by Thursday night. At the moment it has stuff on it that is going to Salvation Army. However, I'm not going to mess with taking that stuff in 100 plus degree weather. It can wait in a pile on the floor until it's more temperate.
I have a board meeting tomorrow night so I'll have some preparation to do for that tomorrow. At least much of it can be done in climate control.
I've been thinking a lot about the situation in Lebanon. I've had emails from people wondering why I haven't commented on it here. I will, as soon as I have my thoughts more organized. Suffice it to say I'm not happy with more war. And I'm not happy that once again the US is blindly supporting whatever Israel does. I'm still pondering it all.
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