This morning we had a hoar frost. I'd never heard of this until earlier this month. It's somewhat unusual, and now we've had two of them in three weeks.
As soon as Greg called and told me how beautiful it was outside I threw on some shoes and went out to take photos. As you can see by the fact that my house is in the background, I didn't get any further than my front yard before I found beautiful scenery.
My neighbors, Bob and Ruth, weren't home, but I wandered over to their yard to take more photos, including this leaf.
On one of the trees in their front yard I spotted this little bit of seemingly free-standing frost. We speculate it's actually built on part of a spider web.
Greg and Sharon came over to see if I wanted to go out to Dillon Nature Center and I couldn't resist sharing my discovery with them.
Dillon Nature Center was amazingly beautiful.
I love snow and it has extra meaning for me these days. We all went our separate ways and I think everyone found some great photos.
Finding color in the landscape was a challenge.
It was a day for being thankful to be alive.
Greg has written a post with beautiful photos from the hoar frost earlier this month, and explains how it happens.
ReplyDeleteSomething I've found when cleaning out closets or household "extras" is that if I know the boxes or bags are going to go to a goodwill place or another person, I am far more willing to give things up than I am if I've no one to give the excess to and it's only going to go to the dump. I hate to see perfectly usable things go to the dump! But if there's any chance someone else might wear my used clothing or keep my extra teapot, I can be far more generous with my clutterbusting.
It is better to think of others getting use out of things. But, I try to be careful about just tossing things that really are past their usefulness for another person - paint clothes and such. But... yes... others getting use from things is positive encouragement.