Thursday, January 14, 2010

Busy Day

Tonight we went to see a local theatre production at the Flag Family Children's Theatre. Amy was in the production of Cotton Patch Gospel and we wanted to see her. She was really good. And there was a high school student in it who was exceptional - Zach Hendrickson. He could be headed for an acting career if he wants I think.

This has been a really busy week at work. It seems I've been working at a frantic pace and yet my list has kept growing. I have accomplished a lot, but there's more to be done.

Today I left the house about 7:45 this morning and didn't get home until 10 tonight. That's just too many hours away from home for an average day. But the day had some fun. I saw Toyla for lunch and that was a blast. Then had dinner with Lori and that was fun, too. I met Greg at the theatre and we lucked into two front row seats at the play.

I'm amazed by the dedication to be in a play. I can't imagine finding all the hours for practice and the performance itself.

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