Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Today was a dental appointment I've been dreading, but all went well. There was a cavity that was threatening one of my laminates but my dentist was able to fix it and I'm so thrilled. I'm still a little numb, and it has been more than six hours since I had it done. But, far better to be numb than not, so I'm not complaining.
There was another tricky procedure today to remove a cap and replace it with a different one. I'll sum that up by recounting the following conversation:
Dental Assistant to another one outside the room: "Could you bring me the crown pullers?"
Dentist to Dental Assistant: "There's no need. I will have to grind it off."
This is not something a person wants to hear, regardless of how numb you are. Although, frankly, needing "crown pullers" doesn't sound much better than grinding. However, I have to say, I had NO pain at all in either procedure. None.
After the dentist I went back to the office for a little bit and then off to a meeting. Once again, I did nothing in my house tonight. Mark, and maybe Carl and Kris, are coming for Halloween and there are just pathways in my house. They'll just have to understand because I am not bending much these days. The house is bad. But I guess it will just be that way for awhile.
Well, I'm going to make another attempt at getting to bed early. Maybe I'll not be numb when I wake up.

Posted via email from Patsy's posterous

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