Monday, April 21, 2008

Sedona Arizona Vortexes and All

I was recently in Sedona, Arizona. Isn't that beautiful?

Now, look closer. See all those little dots below? Those are all houses and condos and people and things to serve them. It ruins the effect a bit.

Of course, while in Sedona, I wanted to visit the famous energy vortexes. I did. With all the requisite hiking that entailed. I went to all three of the ones in Sedona.

I felt NOTHING. Nothing. Nada. Rien. Zilch.

As you know if you've read here for any amount of time, I'm quite interested in such things. The energy healer I go to is well respected in multiple circles. I've benefited from Reiki from three different practitioners. I've had readings done. I'm a believer. I was ready. I was primed. I was open. I was disappointed.


Supposedly, the vortexes have different kinds of energy so you may not feel the energy at one of them if it's not energy you need. The first vortex I went to involves the entire rock. As someone told me, "it's anywhere on the rock." It's a big rock.


But, supposedly what's neat about Sedona is that all three kinds of energy are available so everyone can benefit. If there were anything to feel. So, I went to the next one. It's easy to get to, at least.


After the first one I was a bit disheartened, but thought maybe it was just that I didn't need that energy. Then I felt nothing at the second one and my faith wavered a bit, but I was still ready and hopeful. So I went on to the last one.

It was a beautiful hike and lovely surroundings. And, it's always inspiring to be in nature, but that was all there was to it.


By the way, this "ancient" energy was somehow undiscovered until the 1980s when someone wrote a book mentioning Sedona and the supposed energy vortexes. Could it be someone who had an interest in taking people on tours of these sites? Don't waste your time.


Well, that's not actually true. What I felt was that anything that might have once been there has been stamped out by the millions of tourists tromping over it, or been built over by the thousands of condos.

Everywhere that could be pristine beauty had been built on. And if it couldn't be built on as is, it was leveled so it could be built on.

Notice how the orange construction tape and the heavy equipment blends right into the landscape?

Sedona had the potential to be one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. But, unfortunately, its beauty was scarred by the soccer-moms-to-be in their requisite Columbia sportswear running everywhere. They were surpassed only by the hoards of seniors who seemed out to prove they were still fit enough to hike faster than the soccer-moms-to-be. Naturally, they traveled by vehicle to get there.

All of the construction to house and move and supply the hordes was just embarrassing. Why do towns let themselves be ruined by out of control development? I guess because those who stand to benefit from development are the very ones who are generally in control.

Frankly, it's hard for me to have a spiritual experience with a few hundred other people tromping along beside me talking inanely about their vacation homes. Then there was the other end of the spectrum - the people with the drums who don't know the 60's are over and tie dye is out of fashion yet again.

Bear in mind I mention drums being a person who has attended drum circles. However, we did not go plop ourselves on a rock where lots of other people are coming to see the same thing we are, and then proceed to discuss our latest bar hopping experience with our companions, all the while ruining the photos of the beautiful rocks people have hiked in to see. I blurred their faces - no need to embarrass anyone. These folks were at least relatively harmless, other than ruining some photos for people. But I'm betting none of them are asking a builder to level some land so they can build a condo.

The only thing that seemed to draw people from these spots was shopping. Now, I'll be the first to admit, I'm not much of a shopper. I don't get it. It doesn't excite me. I buy things - a Christmas ornament here and there, a nice bit from an art museum, a remembrance of a trip - but the "oh my gosh, there's a store, I must stop and see what they have that I want to pay more for than its worth and carry home to donate to goodwill in a year" excitement that grips others is lost on me. However, you'll note every parking spot is taken. So what do I know? I guess I know I should own a store in Sedona.

It's just a shame that a place that was once so stunningly beautiful is so overrun that it's ruined.

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