Monday, April 7, 2008

Hail in Hutchinson

Just the other day I was thinking, "Geez, I've still got to deal with the roof." I had hail damage last year and after dealing with all the insurance stuff it was too late in the year to get it done. Then I thought, "Hmmm... I think I'll just wait until after hail season this year before I get it repaired." Tonight that seems like a good decision.

This is my front walkway, early on. I've rarely seen hail completely cover the ground, but I have tonight. My neighbor's driveway was white.

However, I don't think this probably did much damage. I didn't see anything larger than pea sized, but there was a lot of it. A Street looked like it had snow on it.

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  1. Thanks... but there's not much I can do with my little camera except point and shoot.
