Food for Thought and Diversity Lunch
Today Ms. Littauer spoke about how we should all have something more than a mission statement, we should have a "power statement." As she described it, a mission statement is for your own guidance and a power statement is how you "market" that to the world.
Her challenge was for us to think about the skills, talents and interests we have instead of what we do for a job. And to take those skills and create a job that uses them. It's something that was useful for me to hear this morning.
Today was also the diversity lunch and it was nice to gather with that group. I have really enjoyed getting to know the people in that group. Today Theda, Lovella, Julie, Carlota, Carolyn and Concha were there. It was a good gathering. I invited Trish to come but she couldn't today.
Unfortunately, we got no better service today at The Blue Duck Bistro than we have on previous visits. I always hesitate to say something negative about a restaurant, especially a locally run and unique one, but this is the fourth time I've been there for lunch and it's the fourth time there have been problems.
They have what I call the "Fazoli's Syndrome." Whenever I go to Fazoli's here, there are lots of people and they're all busy doing lots of things, but none of those things seem to be related to preparing and serving my food.
The Blue Duck is the most upscale place in town - or so they'd like us all to believe. My experience while traveling is that if you want to be "it" in town, you also have to have good service. They have some of the worst - at least at lunch.
In four trips not once have they managed to get my table served without problems. It can take so long that people have to leave because their lunch hours are over. Time before last they brought coffee to people with it slopped over the side of the cups onto the saucers. I don't mean a little bit - I mean the cup was in a puddle of coffee. Once I ordered a pasta and had a tiny bit in the bowl while the person next to me who ordered the same thing had a heaping portion. Today two of us ordered French Onion Soup and it was so salty we couldn't eat it. They never came to offer a refill on drinks to any of the seven of us today.
I'm not sure where we'll go next time but I am not the only one who thinks we need to go elsewhere. We used to go to Tiffany House and never had any problems, but of course they're closed.
I popped in to say hello to Doug yesterday but he was out. But, Josh and I had a nice chat. I sure miss going there for lunch.
Well, I'm overdue for nighty-night. I went to bed about 2:30 this morning and woke up about 5:30, only three hours later, and don't even feel tired yet. But surely I must be. I've gotten a lot done today - at work and at home - but I have much more to do both places.
I got word today that an article I'm writing has been cut from five pages to two and that's a bonus at this point as I am running out of time and energy to write it.
Amazing how the world always works out for the best.
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