I drove the van with Clarence the dinosaur on top. Clarence is named after the angel in "It's a Wonderful Life," which is one of my very, very, very, very, very favorite movies.
Mark came down from KC to walk and help hand out candy canes. Greg, of course, helped as always. Austin helped and so did Jesse. Jesse brought along his brother, Joey, and their neice, Molly.
Terry usually helps us by walking, but couldn't this year. But, he came over and helped up get Clarence on the van last night and then helped us take him down tonight.
Molly walked the whole parade route, handing out candy canes. She did say she thought she might like to ride next year, and who could blame her.
Unfortunately, in Hutchinson if you want to distribute candy, you have to walk along and do that. No throwing of candy is allowed because a girl got run over a few years ago when she ran out to gather up candy off the street. She wan't hurt badly, thank goodness, but it meant no more candy throwing here.
What that means is that it's hard for the walkers to catch up to me and get resupplied with candy canes.
Everyone has their own method. You can see Jesse is of the "take what you'd like" mold.
Greg prefers the one to one approach.
This is Mark handing out candy canes. This is almost right in front of the building where my office is. Westphal Jewelers is what I see out my window, across the street. Dick Westphal is on my board and is a great local supporter. He does tons of things for the community.
Greg Payton owns both buildings. He has done so much to refurbish downtown Hutchinson. His business, Payton Optical, is right beside the buildling I'm in. He has really worked to improve downtown. He and Martha were the ones who spearheaded getting the Fox Theatre redone. Our downtown is so much prettier now than it was when I first moved here.
Few things are as Americana as parades, and today was no exception. I love the little scenes you glimpse on the parade route. I missed most of it because I was driving, but Greg had some pix I could share.
After the parade, we drove to Roy's for some lunch. Ann came out to see what was pulling up in their driveway. I pulled her over to have her photo taken with the dino. She wasn't too eager so I didn't push my luck and put the Santa hat on her. Christmas is not her favorite time of year. I'm working on her. Slowly.
Of course, no such day would be complete without a lope sighting. He actually rode in the parade route, right alongside Clarence today, and yet still had time to enjoy posing with the Bribiesca family afterwards.
Very cool parade! Nice photos - interesting :)
ReplyDeleteThanks. Parades are such a little bit of Americana.