Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Trees and People and Contradictions

Trees are much like human beings and enjoy each other's company. Only a few love to be alone.
---Jens Jensen, Siftings, 1939

When I took this photo a month or so ago I was struck by how the tree stood alone. This quote seems to fit the scene perfectly.

I've come to realize I need more alone time than most people. Ironically, I really enjoy being with people and most folks would say I have a large circle of acquaintances and friends, and I'm blessed to have fabulous close friends. But I do need a lot of alone time. I need to think, write, create, decompress, contemplate, plan, and just gather my thoughts. For reasons even I don't fully understand, it's hard for me to do any of that with other people around.

We humans are infinitely interesting creatures, full of contradictions.


  1. Yes, I too need alone time. It took me years to realise that and come to terms with it, I love people and enjoy spending time with them but I have discovered that I must honour my own need for solitude and my own space.

    Years and years back if the need was ignored for too long I would come down with some illness that effectively made me retreat and get exactly the thing I was craving on a soul level.

    I don't think all people need that but I do, looks like you do too. :-)

  2. I just have to have time alone to think. Otherwise I can get very grumpy!
