Monday, July 6, 2009

I Lead a Charmed Life

I had the day off today and had big plans for it. Unfortunately, things did not go exactly as I had planned. My intention had been to finish some deep cleaning I've been doing in the kitchen and going through some things piled in the dining room, and generally getting my house in better shape..

But, it didn't go quite that way because I had a problem with the house. But, some hours later, after an electrician's visit, and who knows how many hundreds of dollars, the problem is solved. And I'm feeling incredibly fortunate that I was here, and that Zenor could send Chris over. I'm sorry to learn that Dennis, who has worked on my house since I've owned it, has retired. But Chris did a good job and I'm so happy he could come today.

I'm overwhelmed with things in my house that need organizing, cleaning or both. When do people have time to get all those things done? The last time I remember my world being really organized was when I was in college. That was a long time ago. A very long time ago.

I suppose if I spent less time "living" and more time cleaning it would get done, but I want a life so I can do things like go for walks at Sandhills, where I took that photo this weekend. Mark, Greg and I went out there Sunday afternoon for a walk. It was a spur of the moment decision and it was nice, other than the blood letting that occurred from the zillions of mosquitoes.

It was a nice weekend with Mia, Greg, Mark, Sharon and I hanging out and seeing fireworks and generally soaking up the Fourth of July Fun.

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