I snapped this photo of Greg in his garden late yesterday. You can see he has some ripe tomatoes.
We decided to go to Arlington for dinner last night, to Carolyn's Essenhaus. It was really tasty - there was pie - what more needs be said?
After dinner we stopped on a country road to take some photos. Greg was looking for cicadas... I was just seeing what there was to see, which included this neat old fence post.
After stopping by Greg's garden, I went into my own to check on things. I have many tomatoes. And pumpkins. Lots of pumpkins. I don't know if they're still growing or if they're done or what. I guess I'll just see what happens with them.
It has been incredibly beautiful weather here for days - sunny, with moderate temperatures. Tonight it's getting down to 58 here. It's just unheard of, but I've decided it should be enjoyed as long as it lasts.
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All text and photos on this website are copyright Patsy Terrell, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. None are to be used without permission. Thank you.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Defining Moments
"At various points throughout life, we arrive at a crossroads, where our self-understanding and our understanding of the world around us are thrown into scrutiny.
Dr. Kevin Leman
I've always referred to these as "defining moments," when our idea of who we are and our place in the world is thrown into question.
They can come at the oddest of times, in seemingly innocuous circumstances. Yet, there it is - a moment that gives you reason to pause, to think, to consider, to rethink. On the other side of that, sometimes you come out a different person.
One of the things I've had on my "gonna do it at some point for my own good mental health" list for quite awhile is to list ten defining moments in life. I'm guessing there may be a pattern that emerges there. But, for reasons I can't explain I've never actually gotten around to making that list. I think it might start out with more than 10 and have to pared down. Not that there's any magic in 10. It could be 20 or three or seven.
What's reasonable? One per year of life? One for every five years of life? It's all arbitrary. But 10 seems like a good amount to see a pattern emerge.
I'll have to think about it some more, but I know at least a couple of things on my list would be:
1. Going to the University of Kentucky
2. Meeting Greg and being friends all these years
3. Traveling to Egypt alone
I'll think about it some more. Seems like an interesting exercise.
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All text and photos on this website are copyright Patsy Terrell, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. None are to be used without permission. Thank you.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Crabby Patty
If you want to do a good deed without even leaving your house I've got a deal for you. A project of the Kansas Sampler Foundation is to encourage businesses in small towns that are hanging on, sometimes by a thread, to help provide services in their areas.
One such place is the a convenience store in Dexter, Kan. The proprietor is "Crabby Patty," who's less crabby now that folks from all over and sending her encouragement.
Here's the deal. If you can, stop by and spend $5 in the store. That's the perfect solution. But, if you can't just happen by Dexter, there's another plan. Drop a $5 bill in an envelope, along with a post it note, card or other encouragement and send it off in the mail.
The address is:
Crabby Patty
501 K-15 Hwy
Dexter KS 67038
Obviously, I've already done it. Now it's your turn. It's just one way you can do a good deed with little investment, time or trouble.
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All text and photos on this website are copyright Patsy Terrell, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. None are to be used without permission. Thank you.
Monday, July 27, 2009
How I almost accidentally went to Dusseldorf
Matthew's wife has asked for stories about Matthew... I'm still working on mine, but here's a rough draft. Please be aware there is some language that might not be work appropriate.
A few years ago, Matthew and I went to Europe. The plan was to go to Paris, then from there to Belgium, Amsterdam and Luxemborg. Along the way we almost ended up in Dusseldorf, although we didn't make it to Luxemborg.
We had spent a few days in Paris and were headed to Amsterdam to connect with Jacob, who we had met in Honduras a few years earlier. Along the way we intended to spend a little time in Brussels. It's not that we had any business there, but it was on the way and somewhere we hadn't been - no better reason to go somewhere as far as we were concerned. We weren't sure when any of these things would happen - we were just traveling and finding the places where we would lay our heads as we went.
So, we arrive at the train station in Paris, Eurail passes in hand, and procure our tickets for Brussels. The attendant tells us Platform 16. When she asks if we understand, Matthew pipes up and says, "Oh yes, my friend Patsy speaks perfect French." I shoot him a withering look and beg him to please stop lying to people. He has been perpetuating this lie for days, and no one believes him when they look at me, and with my eyes wide in fear I'm muttering, "un peu, un peu" and holding my fingers a millimeter apart to illustrate only a little French, a tiny bit.
We head to track 16, which I had understood, not to mention it was written on the tickets. We settle ourselves into a very nicely appointed train car. We toss our backpacks in the overhead racks and sink into the cushy seats, ready for what promises to be a luxurious ride into Belgium. We can't help but notice that everyone around us is dressed far better than we are. Not only are our backpacks unusual in the sea of leather briefcases, but all around us are men in suits and women in high heels. Not that that last one means anything in France because for reasons I don't understand French women's feet are made differently than ours and they can wear high heels 'round the clock, walking on cobblestone streets - nay, running, on uneven cobblestone streets - with no discomfort at all. Anyway, we're not feeling any embarrassment over our jeans and sneakers. We're on vacation, after all.
We're sitting there, playing with the trays like you see on airplanes, wondering if food is going to be served, when we become aware of someone beside us. I look up and there is this older French woman, perfectly coifed, in an elegant red skirt suit, designer handbag over her delicate wrist, speaking to us and holding her ticket. I look at her with what I'm sure was a deer-in-headlights look because I do not speak perfect French, despite what Matthew kept saying. Recognizing the look of yet another American who is incapable of learning a second language, she switches to flawless English and says, "I believe you're in my seat."
We fumble for our tickets - they're somewhere - maybe in the backpacks.
While we hunt, she says, "Are you going to Dusseldorf?"
We look at each other and then it dawns on us that Dusseldorf is in Germany, which was not on our original travel itinerary.
Trying desperately to maintain her composure, and brushing away a piece of lint with a perfectly manicured hand, she says politely, "This train is going to Germany."
Matthew and I begin to apologize to her profusely, although we're a bit unsure where we're supposed to go. Even I think my French is good enough to have heard "16," and it is written on the ticket. Isn't it?
"Where do you want to go," she asks.
"Brussels," I reply.
"The OTHER train is going to Belgium," she says.
"The other train? What other train? There's another train? Is this platform 16?"
"There are two trains on this track. You want the other train," she says as she motions behind us.
So, we get up, grab our backpacks and head out, thanking her all the while.
Her parting words were, "You must hurry."
And, let me tell you, she was right about that. We walked on down and sure enough there was another train. We were the last people on it. It started moving before we found seats.
One of the things I loved about traveling with Matthew is that if we had ended up in Dusseldorf, it would have been fine. We would have gone to see whatever there is to see in Dusseldorf, had some dinner, stayed for the night, maybe for a day or two, took in the sights, met some folks, and then proceeded with the rest of our trip.
I'm very choosy about travel partners and Matthew was a perfect one. He never got upset - even when his wallet was stolen in Paris on another trip. We just dealt with whatever crossed our paths - from lost luggage to machine gun toting "officials." We lived by the travel rule of always keep on your person three things - your passport, a credit card and some cash. Everything else you can leave behind if you need to get out fast.
But, alas, that was not the day for us to visit Dusseldorf. We arrived in Brussels that evening, and met a nice lady named Catherine at the visitor's center in the train station, who found us a nice second floor walk up room to stay in. When she mentioned the proprietor spoke no English, Matthew again piped up, "Oh, that's no problem, my friend, Patsy, speaks perfect French."
Other than his propensity to tell bald-faced lies like that, Matthew was a great travel partner. He told me once that he loved traveling with me because he always came home with some stories that start out, 'No shit... there we were...'" I thought it was HIM that was causing those stories to happen.
"No shit, there we were, on the edge of a volcano..."
"No shit, there we were, and this guy was telling us about how the 'lion et the lion tamer' in his circus... during the show..."
"No shit, there we were, and we saw the boat leaving shore..."
"No shit, there we were, and she says, 'oh, we don't have the 3 p.m. flight anymore - that plane crashed'..."
"No shit, there we were, and the guys says, 'oh, doesn't your friend live here? Her French is so good'..." (I still think Matthew put him up to that.)
"No shit, there we were, and I swear the guy says, 'be sure you get the hostage insurance before you leave'..."
"No shit, there we were, and we figure out the guy is a monk..."
"No shit, there we were, in El Salvador..."
"No shit, there we were, and there was this banging on the door. It's 4:35 a.m..."
"No shit, there we were, about to go to Dusseldorf by accident..."
I think it was the combination of the two of us that resulted in those stories. We always found people to talk to, wherever we were, even if we didn't speak the language. We met people in airports, busses, restaurants, piano bars and cathedrals. We had Italian food in almost every country we went to, but oddly enough never made it to Italy together. On our last flight together, coming home from Paris, we were talking about the next trip.
"I need something a bit more exotic," I said.
"How about Peru," Matthew asked.
"Maybe so," I said. "I just want something less 'antiseptic' next time."
"I know what you mean," he said. "This was great, but I want to get closer to the people."
"I want my next trip to involve negotiating with a goat herder for transportation at some point," I said.
Matthew leaned back, gazed off into the distance, smiled wistfully and said, "Yes, exactly... A goat herder, a chicken bus... something interesting..."
Unfortunately, we never got to take that trip. But if I ever do get to Dusseldorf, I'm going to drink a toast to Matthew and the trip that almost was.
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All text and photos on this website are copyright Patsy Terrell, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. None are to be used without permission. Thank you.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Hair Donation for Pantene Beautiful Lengths
I did it again - cut about 10 inches off my hair to donate to Pantene Beautiful Lengths. They only require 8 inches, which is why I chose them.
I first did this on Valentine's Day of 2008, so this is my second go 'round.
I still have plenty or hair left, or so people tell me. For me it seems short - I keep brushing after I've run out of hair. But it looks healthier after the serious trim, and someone will benefit from it. You can judge for yourself if it's short - below is the "after" photo.
Thanks to Greg for documenting the process again.
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All text and photos on this website are copyright Patsy Terrell, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. None are to be used without permission. Thank you.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Surrounded by Love
I attended Matthew's memorial service today and it was good to be surrounded by other people who loved him. It was held in First Presbyterian Church in Wichita, which is a stunning place and a fitting for a tribute to a man who loved beauty in all its forms.
Afterwards I spoke to his mother and her husband briefly, but didn't get a chance to talk with his dad. I also got to meet some family members I had heard Matthew talk about, but never met, which was nice. I also talked with Kim, who I'd only "met" on facebook during the past few days. Even in death, Matthew is connecting people.
I saw Lora, Matthew's wife, as soon as we walked in the door today. Even though she was no doubt overwhelmed, she came over to give me a hug. It felt good to connect with her in person. I was incredibly touched that after the service, at the reception, she asked if I'd like to go to Honduras with her to spread some of Matthew's ashes. Of course, I would be honored to do that.
Grief is not something that ends for me. I still grieve for Mama, for Pat, for my Aunt LaVerne who died more than 25 years ago, and for others who are gone. Grief just settles into my being, finding a place in my heart as one way of remembering, of celebrating, of appreciating the life shared with that person. So, I've made a place in my heart for Matthew, where he'll live on in happy memories, bittersweet only because we can't make new ones together.
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All text and photos on this website are copyright Patsy Terrell, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. None are to be used without permission. Thank you.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Where a Dream became Real
I'm sitting in a booth at McPherson's Main Street Deli. It's the exact spot where Matthew and I sat some years ago and plotted out the Global Development Foundation on a napkin.
GDF was his brainchild, to do relief work in Honduras. He wanted to talk with me about it and on the spur of the moment we drove up to McPherson to get a sandwich. We talked and got excited by the possibilities.
I took a napkin and started writing down the names as we brainstormed. By the end of the night we had the name, a rough logo and the tag line of "We Change the World." The logo would say that in French and Spanish as well as English. And we had a mission - to do sustainable work. I would be the chair of the board and he would be the Executive Director. Somehow, over sandwiches and soup, it became real instead of just a thought. It took shape. And it "became," because Matthew made it happen. The next week I designed the logo and Matthew made business cards, and never looked back.
I don't remember when that was. But I remember the night. And I remember the conversation.
Like we all are at that stage of life, he was questioning what he should do, and what he could do. Only fools are overly confident in themselves at that stage of life, and Matthew was no fool.
At one point he asked me, "What if I fail?" I responded, "What if you do? If you really live life you're going to fail at things. You learn. You go on. You do better." It was not wisdom talking, just experience. I was older than Matthew and had screwed up more than a few things by that point. (And more since.)
Matthew said he thought it was the right time for him to do something like move to Honduras to do relief work. He was young, about to graduate, and had nothing to prevent him from going.
He was worried that his mom would be disappointed by him not going on to graduate school. I assured him no mother would be upset by a son who wanted to truly do good works in the world. And not that I'm authorized to speak for his mother, but I'm confident she was proud of Matthew and his accomplishments, and he knew that.
And, of course, Matthew did go on to graduate school, after he lived in Honduras for awhile. He was there after Hurricane Mitch. He connected people and resources and accomplished much. When he and I went down there in 1999 it was easy to see that Matthew had made many friends in Honduras.
When we went to the clinic in El Ocotillo that the Global Development Foundation had helped establish, I was in awe. To say it was inspiring would be an understatment. I was honored to have had a tiny role in the whole thing, and it was tiny. It was Matthew and his force of personality that made it all happen.
What can you say about such an experience? Well, people are alive who would not be if Matthew Thompson hadn't touched their lives. You can say that with absolute certainty. Even in death, he was still helping people as his organs were donated.
It's funny how life works out sometimes. Who would have thought that a girl from rural Kentucky would be sitting in a deli in McPherson, Kansas having a conversation that would lead her to witness miracles in El Ocotillo, Honduras?
So, now, the night before Matthew's funeral, I've come to have a sandwich as my way to commemorate the work of the Global Development Foundation, which was an extention of Matthew. Yes, it was short lived. Yes, we didn't know what we were doing. Yes, we made some mistakes. But, Matthew did some good. Some serious good. Despite all that. And that clinic is still going strong - sustainable - because of Lisa, who got there because of Matthew. I guess it's all the circle of life in many different ways.
A couple of years ago, Matthew told me he still had that napkin. I know it was because it was a turning point in his life - when something became more than a dream, because he had the courage to let it be.
So tonight, the evening before his funeral, I celebrate Matthew's life in a way maybe only I can. I feel priveledged to have been present at the birth of something so important. I'm thankful Matthew allowed me to bear witness.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Rest in Peace Matthew Thompson
If you're a lucky person, at some point you develop a relationship with someone who burns brightly in your life. You share a passion for life that may not be understood by others. For me, one of those people was my dear friend, Matthew.
Together we sought the labyrinth at Chartes and we walked the red light district of Amsterdam.We baked in the Honduran sun and we hunched against the cold wind at the Eiffel Tower. We hiked the Guatemalan jungle and marveled at the ancient footprints in Managua, Nicaragua. We laughed at the airport in El Salvador and at the train station in Brussels. We took trains, planes, automobiles, subways, taxis, trams and busses.
Inbetween we lay awake deep into the night and talked about things never spoken aloud except by travelers in hotel rooms in foreign lands. It was Matthew who looked into my being and stated the obvious that had been overlooked by everyone else. We bought matching jewelry to commemorate coming through difficult times and picked up rocks to remember happy times. We shared each other's joys and kept each other's secrets. I was never sure if either of us was traveling to find something or to forget something, or if it mattered.
Then a few years ago, life's journey brought Matthew to a place where he found something he wanted to stay still for - seminary and the boat he loved, and we didn't travel together anymore although we stayed in contact. Then about a year ago he married long time friend, Lora, and they have been on a journey together that seemed a happy one.
Matthew embarked on a new journey today as he passed from this world. I am so thankful for the time I shared in his bright light.
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It's Pumpkins
Today I went to the backyard and noticed the mass of pumpkin vines was not as big as it was when I was out there a few days ago. It was about 2/3 the size, and some leaves had turned brown. As I approached, I saw what these leaves had now revealed - pumpkins!
I'm not sure what I expected underneath the pumpkin vines, but there are pumpkins. I expected those eventually, but not yet. I have some that are orange, some green and some inbetween. I do not, however, have any watermelons or cantalopes, which I had planted in the same area. I guess this is survival of the fittest in action.
I'm not sure they will last until Halloween, which is why I planted pumpkins. I guess I'll just leave them be and see what happens. That's sort of my approach to gardening in a nutshell - put it in, give it some water and hope for the best.
Today was pretty nice here so I got the lawn mowed and took care of some other outside things. Unfortunately, those things never seem to get done either - just like housework. It's hard to get motivated to do them over and over again.
I could use one more weekend day to get things done. But, tomorrow will be a fun day at work. It's the 40th anniversary of the moon landing and we have a full day's worth of activities planned to commemorate the occasion. So, it will be interesting.
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All text and photos on this website are copyright Patsy Terrell, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. None are to be used without permission. Thank you.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Feeling Anti-social
I am feeling a bit anti-social these days. I'm not sure why, but I am. It has been going on for a little while now, and has reached its zenith the last few days.
I'm delighted to respond positively to people who seek me out, but I just can't be the one doing the arranging right now. I think part of it is that I just don't have the extra energy to put into relationships. It will return, I'm sure, but for the moment I just can't create opportunities.
I haven't had a day since I had surgery that I haven't been in pain to some degree and it's exhausting. It has been almost six months and it's getting really old. It's not intense pain, just minor, but it hasn't gone away completely. Most days it's very low-level, some days it's much more intense. There's a direct correlation between how active I am and how intense it is. It seems almost muscular, only in my pelvis. I had a CT scan Friday so hopefully I'll know more next week. I don't think it's anything serious at all, and it may just be healing time, but it is wearing me out.
I don't discuss such things much - it's not very interesting conversation, and there's nothing anyone can do for it anyway. But it becomes an issue when people pressure me to do things that I know will cause me pain. Maybe that's another reason I'm just doing more avoiding. I don't want to have to explain that I can't go do something that's going to involve me getting in and out of the car three dozen times or I'll really be hurting. I can't drive for long distances because being bent over like that causes pain. I'm missing my high school reunion this weekend because I just couldn't drive that far. I can't stand for long periods on concrete - like for shopping - without being in pain. So, I am judicious when doing those things.
I've also learned to compensate. When I'm having people over I stretch the preparations out. I pick up the house one night, or maybe two, because bending hurts; I wash the dishes and set them out another night; I bake another night; I pick flowers that morning so all I have to do that night after work is get the drinks made and the food put on plates. I've been doing it this way for months. I keep thinking it will get easier, and I'm sure it will, but I need to call a halt to such things until it is better, instead of believing by the next thing I have scheduled it will be normal.
Of course, it's always worth the effort to sit and enjoy time with friends when they're gathered around. But I think I'm going to have to put plans on hold for other events I've been thinking about until I feel more normal. I'm limiting my social activities other than going out to dinner or something like that, to things I can easily accomplish.
I'm starting to be concerned I'm not going to be able to do Christmas the way I love to do it. It will break my heart a little bit if I can't celebrate that way this year when I have so much to be thankful for, but whatever will be, will be. At this point doing Christmas decorating the way I love it would require a lot of help from other people to get it set up and broken down, and I just can't ask that. I had to have help breaking it down this year - I don't know what I would have done without Greg, Barbara and Cleta.
This year - at least the first half of it - has required much of me and my mental state. Some of that is very positive - learning the new job for example. And some was much more taxing, but required me to move past it quickly to keep a positive attitude. I remember one January day turning onto A Street from Poplar, watching the snow fall, and thinking it might be the last time I would ever see snow. It was one of only two times I broke down between diagnosis and surgery. The other was one night in my office, when I could see Greg in the living room. I knew he was reading all he could about ovarian cancer, and I knew how much of a toll my situation was taking on him.
I haven't even had a chance to grieve the losses of this year yet. I'm afraid to even think about it too much, lest I get stuck in a downward spiral. I've just tried to focus on the positives, which are numerous.
Maybe the most important thing for me to remember going into the last half of the year is to not borrow sorrow from tomorrow.
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All text and photos on this website are copyright Patsy Terrell, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. None are to be used without permission. Thank you.
Rest in Peace Walter Cronkite
I grew up with Walter Cronkite. From the time I can remember he was there every night. He retired when I was studying journalism in college. We all watched his last broadcast. It was a milestone.
A couple of years later, some friends were in Florida on spring break and bumped into him. They came back to school with stories of how wonderful he was - charming, pleasant and encouraging to those budding journalists. It's always great to learn one of your icons is worthy of your hero-worship.
Cronkite's defining moments as an anchor were when JFK died, when we landed on the moon, and when he was one of the reasons we left Vietnam. I was too young to remember JFK's death but have seen that footage many times. I was still young enough at the moon landing that I don't remember that specific moment with Cronkite, but have seen it replayed many times. I was too young to understand Vietnam and all that it meant.
But, I remember Walter Cronkite. And I always will.
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All text and photos on this website are copyright Patsy Terrell, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. None are to be used without permission. Thank you.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Whirlwind of Activity
Her speech was mostly about the role of women and how it has changed over the years. She writes about that extensively.
My favorite of her books is "I know just what you mean" about her relationship with her best friend. I wish I had thought to take my copy and have her sign it but I didn't. Pity because there was plenty of time to do that.
I saw Trish there but just visited with her briefly. Obviously, when you're in a group like that you want to visit with the folks you don't get to see but once a year, so I didn't want to monopolize her time.
The last week or so has been busy.
Last Friday, astronaut and moonwalker, Charlie Duke was at the Cosmosphere for a presentation. He was supposed to be there for a 4:15 press conference, and then do the evening events. But, his flight was delayed.
Yes, I know, ironic that an astronaut was waiting on a flight. NASA can get him to the moon and back safely, and the airlines can't get him from Dallas to Wichita on time.
But, the press conference went on anyway.
We had a good turn out and I was thankful because I had spent most of my time working on those sorts of things.
He was at a reception and then spoke to a large group. Afterwards he signed books and other items for folks.
It was a good day/night, but a long one for me. I went to work about 7:30 that morning and by the time the day was done and a few of us had gotten some food it was after midnight.But a lot was accomplished.
Yesterday morning was Coffee at the Cosmosphere. Chris does this every month on the third Thursday. There's a different topic each time, and they show artifacts that illustrate the story. People get a chance to come up afterwards and look at them up close.
Yesterday's topic was the Apollo 11 Moon Landing, because the 40th anniversary of them landing is on Monday. They launched on the 16th, so it was perfect timing for the regular Thursday event.
Chris is very comfortable talking to groups and the media, and is very articulate off the cuff - in short he's a PR person's dream. Yesterday he did the coffee. Today he did a TV interview. Monday he'll do a radio interview. I love it that he's so willing to jump right in.
I haven't gotten around to sharing photos of space journalist Andrew Chaikin or astronuat Joe Engle, who were here earlier.
Andrew Chaikin has authored multiple books about the space program. He was a really personable guy, and you could tell he truly loves his work.
I enjoyed meeting him a great deal.
Just a few days later, we hosted Astronaut Joe Engle. He was the grand marshal in the Fourth of July parade, and the night before he spoke to a very large crowd. It was great to see so many folks who came out to enjoy his presentation.
I, unfortunately, did not get to hear a word he said. There were lots of folks and not another square inch of space for me to stand in. Plus, we were busy preparing for the signing afterwards. But it was great to see so many folks out. Greg took this photo, as well as the one of Chaikin.
Meanwhile, life away from work and events is going on and has its up and downs. I guess it's that way for everyone.
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Check www.patsyterrell.com for the blog, art, cooking and more. Find me on Facebook, Twitter, Plurk and other social media sites of your choosing.
All text and photos on this website are copyright Patsy Terrell, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. None are to be used without permission. Thank you.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Finding a Way Through
Coming home tonight I was treated to a rainbow stretching across the sky. By the time I was able to get a photo of it, it was all gone but a little slice. Nonetheless, it's a beautiful sight.
I am witness these days to some things that break my heart, but that I am powerless to change.
One is a situation where someone just doesn't have the experience or knowledge to negotiate a political difficulty. Within that dynamic I recognize someone who's acting from a mixture of too much insecurity and too little awareness. The result is not pleasant. It's painful to watch but there is nothing that can stop the inevitable conclusion of this scenario.
I feel for those involved because I've been every one of them at one time or another. I've been the insecure person acting far more confident than I felt, and coming off harsh, because no one could see beyond the exterior. I've been the one caught in the wake of that, who isn't necessarily making perfect choices, but would probably be doing better left to my own devices if I were motivated enough, which remains a big question. I've also been the one along for the ride, seeing where it was going to go - never committing enough that I had anything serious at risk, but hoping I'd gather some crumbs if things went well.
None of those is a good place to be, but it seems we all have to live in every one of those spaces for awhile.Once things are set into motion there isn't much stopping it. And these aren't lessons you can learn except by slogging through them..
Actually, I think you can learn them but it requires being born into a situation where you can benefit from the experience of someone you love dearly, who is using their hard fought for knowledge by facing the same situation over and over again and conquering it because they've learned from their earlier circumstances. Few of us have that opportunity, because most people just find a way out, not a way through.
I've done both in my life - found a way out and found a way through. I can't say one is better than the other. Sometimes it's worthwhile to find a way through and learn the life lesson being taught. Sometimes the life lesson is to get out.
I've been the recipient of much grace while existing in similar circumstances and will be forever grateful. Perhaps this is my chance to repay that and extend understanding. If only I knew how to do that.
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Quote of the Day
"The story - from Rumplestiltskin to 'War and Peace' - is one of the basic tools invented by the human mind for the purpose of understanding.
There have been great societies that did not use the wheel, but there have been no societies that did not tell stories."
Ursula K. Le Guin
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All text and photos on this website are copyright Patsy Terrell, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. None are to be used without permission. Thank you.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Devotion to a Cause
I'm searching for the word or phrase that describes the phenomenon where someone is devoted to one particular cause or viewpoint, and that everything they say/do relates to it. What would that be called?
For example, someone could say, "it's a beautiful day." And the person devoted to their cause - positive or negative - would say, "yes, it's a pity that people who are homeless/fundamentalist/gay/sexually abused/poor/democrats/women/fill-in-the-blank can't ever enjoy a beautiful day because of their persecution/trauma/difficulties/thought processes/fill-in-the-blank."
It's not that I am unfeeling for the plight of the less fortunate, or don't want everyone to have a fair shake in this world. I think anyone who knows me would say I'm pretty compassionate. But I can't have it be the overriding, driving force every moment of every day. And I can't have it be every interaction I have with someone.
Sometimes I just don't always agree that there's a problem. For example, I've been in the work force for a long time and I can't say being a woman has ever been an issue. I get that it was. I get that I'm to be thankful for those who came before me, and I am, but progress means to move on - to go beyond. Can we please move on now? Please? I don't want to forget. I just want to move ahead without being weighed down by having to drag the past along behind me every moment of every day.
I find myself not wanting to engage with people who have a "cause," because everything you say/do is a minefield. You can't even exchange pleasantries about the weather without having the connection between the rain and the narrow mindedness of the world with regard to rain pointed out to you. I can make up my own mind, thank you very much.
Although I know it's hard for people to fathom, just because I'm a liberal does not mean I think all republicans are evil. I can be pro choice and think of abortion as an abomination at the same time. I can feel for the abused without believing it wise to identify yourself as a "survivor." I do not believe all fundamentalists are small minded, narrow thinkers. I do not believe liberal thinkers have it all figured out. People are far more complex than to be boiled down to only one viewpoint. Except, it seems, for people who are devoted to their "cause," whatever it may be.
At the same time, I recognize this is a wonderful quality to have in an activist. I applaud the efforts, but I don't want to be involved. And this is something I think people don't get. Your blind devotion to your cause - to the exclusion of all else, making every interaction about your cause - makes me want to run away. And I'm not the only one. If I don't want to engage with you on any level, so it's going to be hard to convince me of your viewpoint.
I also always have the feeling that because I'm not willing to be actively involved in whatever the cause is means I'm viewed as an inferior, unfeeling, unintelligent human being. I just don't need that in my life.
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Sunday, July 12, 2009
Looking Out My Back Door
This spring I decided to kill lots of the grass in my backyard so I could plant more flowers and veggies and herbs. I hate mowing the grass, so it seemed like a good thing to do - less grass, more goodies.
So, between my house and garage is largely plants. The mass of green in the middle is pumpkin vines. The flowers are to the left, the herbs to the right, and tomatoes all across the back and behind the herbs.
I've never grown pumpkins before - they are prolific!
I'm hoping more viney things grow up on the fence yet.
For the first time ever I have enough flowers to pick to bring in and have fresh flowers inside all the time. I've been taking some to the office every week to brighten it up in there.
Sharon gave me those salmon colored zinnas, but I grew almost all of these flowers from seed. I'm quite proud of myself for that. I love the verbena and zinnas for cut flowers. The salvia doesn't work well, unfortunately. It wilts almost immediately. But it looks nice in the garden.
I love the hodge-podge, everything growing in a pile, look.
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All text and photos on this website are copyright Patsy Terrell, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. None are to be used without permission. Thank you.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Epiphanies Come At the Oddest Times
I have had a very relaxed day, which I needed. It seems the last 6-8 weeks I've not had any time when I wasn't rushed for one reason or another. I even took a nap today - something almost unheard of for me. Maybe once a year I take a nap.
One of the things I did accomplish today was putting together more of the kitchen from washing everything in the cabinets and drawers. I had a little epiphany while I was putting the silverware away. One of the reasons I don't find time for housework sorts of things is that I don't think of them as very productive. They are never done. You just have to keep doing them over and over and over again. The same things. To no end.
I've always wondered what the deal is with me and housework because, frankly, I don't mind the actual work at all. That's not the problem. Actually, I kind of enjoy some parts of it - it has a beginning, middle and end, and you can see progress. But I mind the time it takes. That seems to be a theme for my life - I don't mind the work, but I mind the time.
Why is that? Well, I think of time as very, very precious. A truly vanishing commodity as each moment lived is a moment less we have to experience.
I'm almost always doing something - generally something productive - at least in my sense of what's productive. But, I never just sit around and "relax." I'm not even sure what that means. To me it sounds like another word for doing nothing, which means you would be producing nothing.
I do understand the idea of having to have time to think. But when I'm doing that I generally have a pen and paper at hand so I can write down ideas that pop up. Or I do that when I'm driving. I'm also fortunate that the way my brain works I can have a whole track devoted to thinking about various things while I'm doing something else.
There are things I love to do that I simply don't allow myself a lot of time for. I love to take long baths, but never do unless I have something to read or write that I can do while in there soaking. I love to bake, but rarely do unless I'm having guests. Maybe now that I have coworkers again I can take baked goods into the office.
At the same time, I love it when my house is tidy - I just don't love it enough to spend the time to make it that way. Once a year at Christmas I have things pretty clean. Of course, the time I spend doing Christmas is something many people would consider not very productive. But it feeds my soul, and that is a necessity.
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Friday, July 10, 2009
The day
I worked from 8 this morning until about 10:30 tonight, with no break. But, it was a successful day.
We had astronaut Charlie Duke in for a members only presentation. There was a press conference at 4:15, then a reception at 6:30 and a presentation at 7:30.
Unfortunately, they cancelled his flight and he didn't arrive in Wichita until 5. So, he wasn't there for the press conference, but made the other events. It was a frantic day for me, but things went well. He was charming and funny and gracious.
Afterwards, a few of us went out to get some dinner and I'm just now home. And not long out of the bed. I'm a tired pup, but excited by some possibilities that opened up tonight. I'll write more... after I sleep for a bit.
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All text and photos on this website are copyright Patsy Terrell, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. None are to be used without permission. Thank you.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Embracing the New
I took this photo at Sharon's house the other day. This is what a flower grown by a landscaper looks like. I felt the need to offer that disclaimer in case you thought I had grown a perfect flower like this. That is not the case.
It's a beautiful night here this evening. There are storms just a few miles away from us but we've had no rain at all. But it has cooled off and it's just lovely. I've spent the night working on things around my house. I'm having folks over tomorrow night for the ad hoc book group and there is no way my house is going to be as tidy as I'd like. But, so it goes.
I've never felt the need for my house to be pristine before having guests. If I did, I'd never have guests. I seem to always have something in process. At the moment it's going through my office and cleaning all my kitchen cabinets. The room between them is the dining room. Guess where stuff is piled? So, I'll set up a card table in the living room, put a table cloth on it and put the cold drinks in there. I had planned to bake something but I'm not sure I'm going to do that. I doubt anyone is going to want anything as hot as it is going to be tomorrow. And I'm not sure heating up my house is a good idea either.
I'm feeling a real shift in my life these days. It's more than just having a new job. Things are shifting in a major way. I was thinking about this early today and then on twitter someone sent part of this quote, which I love.
It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.
Alan Cohen
I don't know how much courage it takes to embrace the new, but I certainly believe there is power in change. "Courage" is sometimes another way of saying "inevitable." But I suppose there is a difference in being swept along by the inevitable, and embracing the new.
Sometimes I read - or very occasionally write - a phrase that stays with me. "Embracing the new" is one of those, I'm sure. It's such a lovely turn of phrase.
I think I'm a person who embraces the new. It's exciting to meet new people, learn new things and go new places. And it seems my life offers plenty of opportunity for newness.
My friend, Leah, used to say, "your life is weird. I know you don't do anything to make your life weird, but it's weird." I'm not sure if that's true, but my life does seem to have many moments of wonder, for which I'm grateful.
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All text and photos on this website are copyright Patsy Terrell, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. None are to be used without permission. Thank you.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Day and Night
I need more hours in the day and night to get everything done. I've been awake since 4:21 this morning. I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. Now it's 12:20 and too late for me to get to bed really early for tonight.
After work I ran home and did some laundry and changed clothes, then met Kelly at Skaets for a burger. It was great to visit with her. It's the first time we've had a meal together, but I hope not the last.
While I was there Sharon called to ask about some work I'd told her I'd help with so I went straight to her house for that. Got home about 9:30 and have been working on other things since then. But I've gotten some things crossed off my list that I'm so happy to be done with.
I just need to find some time, somewhere in my day and night, to rest. There just never seems to be any time for that. Of course, there doesn't seem to be time for cleaning house either. I still have dishes on top of the dining room table from cleaning out all the cabinets. I'm having people over Thursday night and I think there are still going to be dishes all over the dining room table. I just can't seem to find enough time to do everything that needs doing. I'll just bake something and hope that distracts people.
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All text and photos on this website are copyright Patsy Terrell, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. None are to be used without permission. Thank you.
Monday, July 6, 2009
I Lead a Charmed Life
I had the day off today and had big plans for it. Unfortunately, things did not go exactly as I had planned. My intention had been to finish some deep cleaning I've been doing in the kitchen and going through some things piled in the dining room, and generally getting my house in better shape..
But, it didn't go quite that way because I had a problem with the house. But, some hours later, after an electrician's visit, and who knows how many hundreds of dollars, the problem is solved. And I'm feeling incredibly fortunate that I was here, and that Zenor could send Chris over. I'm sorry to learn that Dennis, who has worked on my house since I've owned it, has retired. But Chris did a good job and I'm so happy he could come today.
I'm overwhelmed with things in my house that need organizing, cleaning or both. When do people have time to get all those things done? The last time I remember my world being really organized was when I was in college. That was a long time ago. A very long time ago.
I suppose if I spent less time "living" and more time cleaning it would get done, but I want a life so I can do things like go for walks at Sandhills, where I took that photo this weekend. Mark, Greg and I went out there Sunday afternoon for a walk. It was a spur of the moment decision and it was nice, other than the blood letting that occurred from the zillions of mosquitoes.
It was a nice weekend with Mia, Greg, Mark, Sharon and I hanging out and seeing fireworks and generally soaking up the Fourth of July Fun.
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All text and photos on this website are copyright Patsy Terrell, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. None are to be used without permission. Thank you.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Fourth of July Parade
If you can look at that picture and not feel good about apple pie, mom, and the good ole US of A there's something wrong with you. I'm sorry but there's just no other way to put it.
As I'm sure you've guessed, this was taken during the Fourth of July parade in Hutchinson yesterday. This dad and daughter were a few feet away from me and I couldn't resist the Americana moments.
One thing I love about the Fourth is that people dress up in their festive best. This little girl has stars on her dress, and even dad is wearing red.
Some people take it up a notch. I would call this a bold choice, but ever so appropriate.
This girl was mulling over her choice.
This young lady had gone for the understated look with only a head scarf.
The other reason I choose this photo of her is because of the tractors in the background. This is an agricultural area, so we always have antique tractors in the parade, which I think is just darned cool. But I loved that this guy took it a step further. Remember this when you've got extra tractors - you use one to pull two more on a flatbed. Now that is good old fashioned, American ingenuity at work.
The Hutchinson parade has an antique horse-drawn hearse, antique tractor trailers and antique cars.
But we also like to start them young.
Then there are cars you don't expect, including this art car courtesy of the Hutchinson Public Library.
There are also people you don't expect in a parade. Like this one.
You might assume he was with the animal shelter folks you see behind him, but he wasn't. He was with the float in front of him, which was for a local exercise place. Why he's wearing a gorilla mask, I'm not sure, but I bet he's glad it was cooler yesterday than it was last week.
Of course, there are also people you expect to see in a Fourth of July Parade, like those waving flags.
That's Nancy closest to us and Trish in the middle. They were marching with the Reno County Democrats. I just love the way Nancy's flag is waving.
The coolest float was definitely the Cosmosphere's, with Astronaut Joe Engle as Grand Marshal.
And I'm not saying that just because I have a vested interest. I mean just look at it - it's cool.
The parade was a beautiful piece of Americana, as it usually is. I felt the need for some apple pie, but missing that, we had some Roy's barbecue.
Finally, ladies and gentleman, I would like to show you a picture of a real man. That's him, right there - a true American hero - a dad who's not afraid to carry his daughter's pink sparkly purse full of candy gathered during the Fourth of July parade, so she can hold her flag. He's secure in himself. He's confident with it.
I admire parents, especially really good ones. What's more Americana than a good dad? Not much I can think of.
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All text and photos on this website are copyright Patsy Terrell, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. None are to be used without permission. Thank you.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
sent from mobile device
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Scenes of the Day
I'm really happy with how my front flower bed looks this year. This is due in large part to Releaf Landscapes. Sharon and her crew cleaned it out for me early in the season and they've weeded for me a couple of times, too. I'm the first to confess that I'm a heat wimp and when it gets hot I retreat to the air conditioning and leave the plants to fend for themselves.
I have a timer in the front and one in the back so they get water every day. But, beyond that, I'm kind of neglectful once it's hot. But, at the moment things are looking nice. I need more blue in the front, and more white spread out. I didn't know what color the cosmos were when I put them in and I happened to get one of the two white ones right near the white rose bush. Oh well... so it goes...
Many of these are from seeds I started this year. For the first time I think I have enough plants to pick them and bring them inside. I have quite a few growing in the backyard, too. I'll try to get some photos back there soon, too.
I've killed a large part of the grass, and put in garden instead. I've expanded the herb garden, have a few veggies growing and lots of tomatoes. I had my first ripe tomato off the vine today. Yummy! I have put in more than two dozen tomato plants so I should plenty of those as the summer goes on.
I hope I'll be able to foist some off on my new coworkers if I become too over run. We'll see. Maybe I'll have to get a booth at the farmer's market. Okay, lets face it, that's not likely to happen - me up at the crack of dawn on a Saturday with freshly picked produce. Lets just enjoy the fantasy of that for a moment and then let it go to never never land where it shall forever remain.
I have enough flowers that I can take some into the office, too, which really brightens things up.
I worked late today to finish up a project that volunteers are helping with. I needed to finish some things on my end so they can do their work and I didn't want to leave without having that done.
Right before I left, I snapped a photo of my desk with the to-do lists laid out for tomorrow. We have an event tomorrow night (free to the public presentation by Astronaut Joe Engle at 7 p.m.) so I'm working tomorrow and taking Monday off for the holiday.
I'm not generally a very neat person when it comes to such things. My desk at home is piled - and I do mean piled. The difference at work is that I have enough desk/table space to spread things out. We'll see if that maintains as more and more stuff comes into my work world.
I always find it interesting how other people work. I have a friend who hates making lists. I can't imagine getting through my day - work or personal - without a list.
I keep two lists. When it gets messy I rewrite it. Today was the first day for this list. Unfortunately, I didn't cross off enough stuff today that I needed to make a new one. sigh...
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All text and photos on this website are copyright Patsy Terrell, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. None are to be used without permission. Thank you.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Dreaming with Lavender
My plan for tonight is to drift off with the scent of fresh lavender coming from the bedside table. I picked some from the garden tonight with just that in mind.
It has been a long day. I worked all day, then did qi gong and then went to the other office and worked there until about eight tonight. I still had more things to sort through but I needed to get home and finish the last bit of mowing it got too dark to do the other night.
Friends are coming for the weekend so I need to work on the house a bit. It's just not at all comfy for people to hang out at the moment - too much stuff in too many places. I had hoped to work on it some tonight but there wasn't time once I'd done the other "had to do" things.
This is shaping up to be a very busy summer, and the garden hasn't even started coming in yet. I must make time for fresh tomato basil soup and eggplant parmesan - two of my favorite, right out of the garden things. But the only ingredient I have so far is basil. So it will be a little while on that.
Life is good. Just busy. But good. The days are full, but interesting.
I am eager to settle into a routine that will allow me more time for "life" things. It will happen - this is just the transition time.
Well, time for me to take my lavender and go upstairs. Maybe this will bring even more interesting dreams.
I've been keeping a dream journal since the writing workshop. Nothing earth shattering so far, but I'll keep you posted. Lavender is supposed to be very relaxing. Maybe tonight I'll have a breakthrough dream.
Check www.patsyterrell.com for the blog, art, cooking and more. Find me on Facebook, Twitter, Plurk and other social media sites of your choosing.
All text and photos on this website are copyright Patsy Terrell, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved. None are to be used without permission. Thank you.