Saturday, October 11, 2008

Mark Russell at the Fox

Tonight we went to see political comedian Mark Russell at the Fox Theatre. He was fabulous, as you might expect. Greg, Mark, Teresa and I went.

Greg, Mark and I were in the second row, which was good and bad. We were very close, but when he was sitting down at the piano, it was positioned such that we couldn't really see him well. But, he stood up and moved around the stage a large part of the time.

It was a really nice evening - the kick off to the Fox season. They bring some great events to town. Mary Hemmings, the Executive Director, is a dynamo. I really like her.

And it's always great to be in this amazing place. It's an Art Deco masterpiece. We are so fortunate to have it. We owe a great debt to Martha Slater and Greg Payton who spearheaded saving it a few years ago, and Andrea Springer who was its first Executive Director.

Mark Russell was hilarious. At the end he did a poll and was surprised to find a lot of Obama support in the audience. I think  it was about half and half. He joked, "In Kansas? Did they ship you all in from the east coast?"

I asked him afterwards if he was genuinely surprised by the Obama support and he said he was. He was very personable and signed autographs and took photos with the few people who stayed around.

He also posed for a photo with Ace Jackalope. I'm sure we'll soon be able to read more about that on

Thanks to Greg, as usual, for all the photos!
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