Wednesday, September 17, 2008

These Days Go So Fast

Greg and I were on the way to dinner tonight and decided to go to Dillon Nature Center for a walk instead. It has been a perfect couple of days here and it seemed a shame to not enjoy the tail end of this one.

It's becoming more and more clear that autumn is around the corner as the light fades more quickly every day. I don't relish that. Frankly, I'd just as soon it stay daylight until about 9 p.m. every night until the week of Halloween. Then it could go from 9 p.m. to 6 p.m. in just a few days as far as I'm concerned. Mother Nature did not inquire what I would like, however, so I suppose we'd best get used to the earlier sunsets

I need to be making use of these nice days to get some things done around the house. I'm hoping the weekend is pleasant and I can do some outdoor things that need attention. I really wish my brother lived closer to me - I could use his expertise. Jackie is a genius when it comes to construction and pretty much anything related to home repair. I would so happily pay him to work on my house.

I need to replace the glass in a couple of windows, get some shelves built in the mud room, and replace a facing board on the side of the house. None of them are huge jobs and that's part of the problem. Finding someone who will do small things is difficult. And yet the small things become very big things if they're not handled. Some of them are things I could probably do myself, but considering that I haven't, I think it's time to pay someone to do them.

That also means they'll get done more quickly than if I muddle through them on my own. I somehow doubt my three hour training with a group of 15 people in a window workshop qualifies me to handle this. Of course, I have never let a lack of knowledge stop me from forging ahead. I wouldn't get anything done if I did. Everyone has to learn everything. I just want to get these things done before winter arrives. And it won't be far behind.

I do like the changing seasons. On the prairie you have to really be in tune with the changes. They can be far more subtle than a grove of trees in a blaze of autumn color.

This is one of my favorite times of the year. At work this is a "tidying up" time instead of an intensive fundraising time, which is nice. At home I love having the windows open, airing out the house, and doing some cleaning here and there and preparing to open my home during the Christmas season.

The holidays are very much on my mind these days. Of course, Halloween is little more than a month away. These days go so fast.
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