Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Friends and Food

Teresa, Peggy and Andrea came over last night for a gathering. We talked about the collages we did in April, looking for new insights. All of us still need to do a lot of journaling, per the book, but it was a nice evening.

Everyone brought something to share and we ended up having quite a spread of food. Teresa even made her wonderful chicken salad. It's always good to share food with friends.

It also gave me a chance to use those cool glasses in that carrier you see in the photo. Are those not the coolest?!?!? I bought them at goodwill for $6.99 last week. All eight of them are in great shape - the look like they've not even been used. I love them.

A bonus of the evening was that I was able to send some tomatoes home with all of them. I'm starting to feel a bit like a pusher. I have 12 plants in. Why? Because I just can't seem to stop myself from buying them when they're first out. That's when they're a foot tall. Now they're growing out the top of the six foot cages. And producing. And producing more.

Unfortunately, some of my favorite tomatoes are one that don't produce as much - things like golden jubilee. I had a fresh one with a sandwich for lunch Monday. Yum!

Andrea reminded me last night of the old Garrison Keillor joke about being afraid to leave your car unlocked in the summer because someone might put garden produce in it.

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