Friday, January 18, 2008

Chocolate, Coats and Conversations

I've been on a Hot Chocolate binge lately. Not the stuff you get in a package - real hot chocolate. Milk warmed on the stove, Guittard cocoa and sugar, whipped with my favorite little whisk that works just perfectly for a cup of cocoa. Tonight I tossed in some marshmallows, but I think maybe they distract from the perfect chocolately goodness.

We had snow last night, and still have a little left. What we have plenty of is cold weather.

One of my Christmas presents from Mary Ann and Jackie was a new winter coat. I decided I wanted to be warm this winter and picked out a new coat. I don't think I've worn anything other than jackets in years. However, I'm now reminded that there's a world of difference in how warm you are in a long coat. I'm so very toasty in it. And mighty happy about that today.

I had lunch with Teresa today, which was nice. I don't think we've had lunch since October, so it was overdue. We've both had a lot going on the last few months, and not seen each other as much as usual.

I've been thinking a lot lately about friendships. I need to find more friends who want to connect on meaningful levels. Trish is about the only person I've seen on a really regular basis lately. We have great, thoughtful conversations. And those grow out of a familiarity that comes from seeing each other regularly and sharing our lives. We both value that, and take care to create opportunity for it. I need more of that in my life.

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