Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am looking forward to a full day of puttering around my house, working on Christmas things, and enjoying the day. I went to bed really early last night (10) so I woke up a little before 3. After trying to get back to sleep I just decided to get up and start the day.

I've already had a lovely breakfast of Roy's Turkey and Dillon's cranberry relish. I'm going to cook some of the traditional things later in the day, but I'm not a big turkey eater so I just got a take out order yesterday. Generally I don't eat any turkey on Thanksgiving Day - I fill up on the other goodies. So, by 3:30 a.m. I'd already had a much more traditional day than usual.

Greg's mom invited me to come to Joplin and I considered going to Kentucky, but I just desperately needed to have some time in my house. This is the first time all year I've had a few days off when I've stayed home. I really needed to be able to just enjoy being - without having a schedule or agenda. It's going to be a wonderful day.

I try to be thankful every day - I am a big believer in gratitude - but it's a lovely tradition to have a day set aside to remind us all to be thankful. I hope you have many, many things to count as blessings.

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