Saturday, June 16, 2007

Martha's Bridal Shower

Today was Martha's bridal shower. I've been planning this for a few weeks and today was the day. It was a really nice mix of people.

Like me, Martha is quite fond of rocks and crystals. So, I asked everyone to bring a rock or crystal that was important to them to give to Martha. I wasn't sure how many people would do it, but almost everyone did and it turned out to be quite a moving experience. In fact, I didn't use some of the pix because some of us are doing the "ugly cry" in them.

We had a lovely assortment of presents. Some people who couldn't come dropped things off beforehand.

Paula said Martha is one of the most exuberant brides she has ever seen. The fact that she's into it makes it fun for all of us.


I made a ten inch cake, with a six inch heart on top - both two layers. I decorated in purple because that's Martha's flower color. Amazingly enough, after sending just a few pieces home with people the cake is all gone. I was surprised, but glad, because I didn't want it to go to waste.

The smaller cake in the background I made for Martha to take to Jim, the groom to be. I also served the traditional nuts and mints, and - of course - punch with the ice ring I showed a photo of a week or two ago. 

My original plan had been to put some white roses on top of the cake. However, we had a torrential downpour yesterday, complete with intense wind, leaving the roses pretty mangled. I did get enough for a little bouquet but they were no longer perfect enough to be used on the cake.

It was a really fun afternoon. I hope everyone had a good time. I love having people into my home - it's good to have people bring their positive energy into your house. Teresa said tonight that she thought I created an event that would be a good memory for Martha. I certainly hope so. That is the reason we do things like this - to create memories.

More than a couple of people mentioned the little touches here and there. I believe life is in the details - it's what this blog is all about - and I am devoted to the idea of appreciating the small moments of life that can otherwise go unnoticed.

I had a little favor for everyone to take home today - just a little remembrance of the day. A couple of people had to leave early to go to a wedding and I forgot to give them favors so I'll have to do that later.

I think my favorite photo of the day is this one of Martha cradling the griddle. She is thrilled about the gift, but the fact that she looks like she's offering a prayer of thanksgiving to the heavens is partly the angle on this. But I love the photo.

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