Friday, April 13, 2007

Tonight was the start of the annual MCC sale. The Mennonite Central Committee raises thousands of dollars at this sale for hunger relief around the world. I'm afraid this weekend's receipts will be lower because of the weather. We have a few inches of snow on the ground. Yes, snow. Lots of snow.

The sale is held at the Kansas State Fairgrounds, not a place I'm used to seeing covered in snow. The fair is held in September, during a week we usually have some hot weather and some cooler weather.

Fairgoers will recognize this as the top of the Olde Mill Ride, at the fair since 1915.

Fortunately, some brave souls were out in the weather, but there were many fewer of us than usual.

It snowed very hard for a few hours, starting late afternoon and continuing into the early evening.

I think this picture embodies the phrase, "bent against the cold." It was 31 degrees, but it seems colder when there's frozen ice pelting you from above. The rain started overnight, then we had rain and sleet briefly, then rain and snow, then just snow.

One of the big attractions of the MCC sale is the traditional German food. We usually have to wait in line, but not today. There was a turnout, but nothing like usual.

The food is all wonderful - everything from Verenike to homemade rolls to new year's cookies to  homemade pies.

And it's all provided by people you know you can trust.

You'll see lots of young people working at the MCC sale, too. It's a multi-generational event.

There are auctions for all sorts of things... small items to large items.

Quilts are big moneymakers at the sale.

I picked up some goodies at the quilter's corner - namely some vintage linens. I'll try to get some photos in the next few days.

My toes are still cold from walking back to the car in the snow and slush. But I'm glad I didn't miss out.

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