Saturday night Sondra had me over for dinner. She fixed burgers and potato salad. It was very yummy - apparently it's the Hellman's mayo recipe. I recommend it.
Before I went over I worked on the library. I decided since I was home unexpectedly this weekend that I'd get a head start on it. Good thing because I've worked on it all day today too and it's still not done. Perhaps my assertion to do it in one weekend was a bit hasty. Fortunately, I set the deadline for next weekend so I still have some time to work on it. But, I have something every night this week so I won't have much time to be in there.
I had planned to go to Andrea's again tonight for a "meet and greet" for Trish in her run for city council. But, I was so occupied in the library that when I came down to wash the paint off and get ready it was already underway. I guess I hadn't really adjusted to the time change yet.
Today was a bit of a personal archeaological dig. In unpacking boxes, there were not only boxes of books but also personal papers. I ran across a journal from 1988 - hard to believe that's almost 20 years ago. Some of the players in my life are the same and some are long gone. Some I don't even recognize anymore. Of course, when I was writing, I couldn't imagine those people not being regular players in in my life. But 19 years later their names don't even ring a bell - not even a faint one.
I rarely read old journals - pretty much only occasions like this, where I run across one. For some reason it makes me sad. I'm not sure why, but it does. It's not that I'm reading about sad things, but nonetheless it makes me sad. So, I don't do it. Today was no exception. Looking back with the perspective of time, of course, we can see all kinds of options we didn't see at the time. But, things just are as they are. Oddly enough, I could distinctly remember writing some of those entries. I could put myself back at that place, which is pretty amazing after all this time.
I promised more pix from Andrea's birthday party Friday night and haven't gotten around to it until now. This will also be good for readers who want more photos of more people I talk about. So... without further ado... here we go...
Starting with the birthday girl herself...
Kris and John came over from Wichita with their friend, Carol. I'd not met her before, so that was fun. I like her. And, hey, she loves Christmas so you know she's my kind of people.
Speaking of Christmas... Kris and I have decided whenever we're together we need another photo of us in what is becoming our pose. We took a similar one at the Christmas party.p>
We had to educate the guys about being at a "girl party" as Andrea put it - that you pass things around and sniff, stroke or whatever is appropriate. Fortunately, I had given Andrea some Bath and Body stuff, perfect for the sniffing. John and Brad were both good sports about it. Dan had already made his escape before the sniffing started. Martha demonstrated...
Debbie and Diana were there with their hubbies, Dan and Brad.
That's Dan here with Martha and Carol. Dan is married to Debbie, on the left in the photo above.
Debbie owns the yarn shop where Andrea works parttime and where she gets her regular fix of yarn. Andrea showed us her latest project, a sweater for her almost one year old nephew, Sam, who's celebrating a birthday very soon. I think it's OK to show the photo because I don't think Sam is a regular reader of this blog so it's not a spoiler.
That's Teresa and Brad in the photo below...
Happy Birthday, Andrea!
That's a tip from my mother, Mary Lea Myatt Terrell! I notice the rest of the world has caught up with her now - she was ahead of her time. I hope I heeded her advice in time! I'll be sure and note John's more youthful appearance when next I see him.