Pretty Purple Flowers

As I was coming home from a meeting early this evening, I was talking to Greg on the phone about how my tulip and daffodil bulbs have started sprouting. It's too early for that, but it has been so warm, they're coming up.
As I walked by the flower bed and glanced down, I couldn't believe what I saw - a pretty little purple flower. Everything is supposed to be dead. It's February 7. In Kansas. It's supposed to be cold.
Instead, there are tender, green shoots all over the flower bed. I do have some daffodils that are supposed to be up early, but I'm not sure even they are supposed to be up this early.

I worked on the grant that's looming over my head today until a little after 4 when I had a United Way meeting. Tomorrow I'm hoping to get the grant a little further along and also finish up some membership things.

Early this morning I went to Dutch Kitchen for some breakfast. I took the laptop and did some writing while I was out there. It's an odd juxtaposition to be working on a laptop in the midst of a restaurant where you're surrounded by Mennonite/Amish farmers. But the cinnamon rolls are amazing.
I feel like I'm incredibly dull these days - all I do is work. I must find some time for fun in my life soon. I'm taking Friday afternoon off. My energy healer is in town and I have an appointment. I've worked so many 16 hour days lately that I need an afternoon off.

I've been looking at a trip to South Dakota. Just a long weekend kind of getaway. There are so many cool scenery sites within such a short distance there.

I've also been working on the Art of Gracious Living website and shows. This week's program is about journaling and will be available on Friday. The show is starting to get some notice here and there so I really need to put some attention toward it.
In addition to my flowers that shouldn't be here now, the other day Greg saw a frog. Yes, a frog. It was in the water in Missouri. It's on
The Lope .
I'm so glad to know there's no global warming.
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