Thursday, January 19, 2006

Creative Sisterhood, Grants and House Stuff

Tonight was Creative Sisterhood. It was good. Each month we write thoughts/notes and place them in a jar. Tonight we opened all of those. We fold them and put our names on the outside so they're private. Sometimes we share them and sometimes not.

Julie wanted to do the food tonight, and it was nice. She had cold cuts and a pie from the Dutch Kitchen. I hadn't had dinner, so it was good.

I have barely been out of the house today, and no further than the mailbox. I got up a little after 5 and started writing and did that all day. Unfortunately, it's not fun writing - I've been writing grants. It's not my favorite part of my job, but it's a necessity. I have two due by the end of this month and two more by mid February. I'm also working on a membership letter. I want to get those out by the end of the month. I can't print at my office at the moment, and have a computer that doesn't have word on it yet, so writing there isn't an option until I have time to deal with those things.

I have to have a chunk of time to do something like that. I know others can just flow with it, but I really need a chunk of time to focus on it when I'm not thinking about what I should be doing instead.

I called this morning to arrange for the dishwasher but was told not only could it not be installed tomorrow, but they didn't have one in stock so it would be next week before I could get one. There's one in Wichita, so I thought maybe I could get my own plumber to install it. I called him but he's booked too. So, now I'm not sure if I want to just get a different dishwasher or if I want to wait. Nothing is going to happen until Monday anyway so I figure I can sleep on it and see how I feel tomorrow.

This weekend I'm going to work on the library more. At least I hope I get these grants to a place where I can have free time this weekend. If not I'll have to work on those some more. But, hopefully, I'll be able to do my own work this weekend.

This is part of the big pile of boxes of books - mostly cookbooks. I've been trying to get shelving put together to hold them but these "quick assembly" shelves are not.

I still have more painting to do in there too. This is very time consuming but I like the finished product. It's a peachy base, then an olive green sponged over that, then five different kinds of metallics sponged over that. Needless to say, that takes some effort. Not sure why I'm doing it in a room where I'm going to cover most of the wall surface with shelves.

I have parts of the wall in all kinds of states - from needing the peachy base color to being finished. But, I have to get some shelves up and books on them to get rid of the boxes so I can get to the walls to paint. Everything in the house is a puzzle piece.

There are times I get weary of working on the house, and this is one of them. Unfortunately, I'm not at a good stopping point, so I must forge ahead.


  1. Hi, Patsy! It's Barbara/Nimiiwin from Purple Ink (or is it Journal Inspirations?) You're a grant writer? Where do you work? I've been working in fund development for nearly 10 years now and I LOVE grant writing! I think it's very fun. What are you writing a grant for? And pardon the bad grammar!

  2. I'm the director of the Mental Health Association. I wish I enjoyed it more, but I find it overwhelming. If I had the money I'd hire you to do it instead.

  3. I should clarify... I love the job... I just don't like the grant writing part. :)
