Some Normalcy
I've decided I'm overdue for a "normal" post. But everytime I do anything "normal" these days I can't help but think about all those people who can't do even the simplest "normal" things.
However, in keeping with my plan to offer a post about life in general - here's the weekend...
Greg and I had dinner with Terry Friday night. It's always good to spend time with him. He's so funny.
I picked up some Sand Hill Plum jelly. Sand Hill Plums are a kind of fruit I'd never heard of until I moved to Kansas. I went picking them once with Teresa and she made jelly. I haven't opened what I got at the farmer's market, but I'm betting it's quite delicious. Probably half a dozen were selling it. I picked some arbitarily. We'll see if I become loyal to this farmer's product.
I snapped a pic of Mike working hard at Roy's. They have the best barbecue I've ever eaten, and I've eaten some barbecue.
Tonight, Greg's girlfriend, Mia and his brother, Steve, were in Hutchinson. We all went to Skaets - one of our favorite local spots.
In between I've worked on my house. My dining room is now officially red. Very red. I did the woodwork in there and tomorrow will touch up the ceiling where I slopped paint and it will be done. I also need to hang the curtains.
Some days I feel like I'm gaining on the house, and some days I feel like it has its way with me. Today I feel like I'm gaining. It could just be an illusion.
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